Today I am going to tell you something about two blogspot blogs. Day by day LXDE and XFCE based distributions are coming infront of main stream Linux world. Many of us starting to love these lightweight operating systems. But there are not much blog which published tips and tricks about these desktop environments. Recently I found two blogspot blogs which are not official but publishing many valuable, informative, importent tips and tricks about LXDE and XFCE.
Lubuntu Tips |
First of all I am telling about LXDE based Lubuntu blog. It's called "Lubuntu Tips". Url is
I don't know the man behind this blog. But I honor her/his effort to teach us about Lubuntu and LXDE. I learned many tips from this blog. I will publish some of them in my blog from "Lubuntutips" blog. Tips, tricks, hacks, customisation, decoration, various information and news about Lubuntu and lxde are available there. I really love this blogsite and visit it regularly. I am really learning miscelanious information from there.
My another favourite blog is
Xubuntu Geek |
XFCE is another famous lightweight Desktop Environment in the Linux world. In the 'Xubuntugeek' blogsite, the briliant blog owner publish various informative, critical tips, information, news, tweek regularly. Once upon a time there is a 'Xubuntu' blog on wordpress. But now a days update posts did not come for many months. But this 'Blogspot' based blogsite is active now. I got many many idea, informations from this blog.
If you are a user of Lubuntu or Xubuntu, then these sites must help you much better then any other blog. I wish these blogs will continue their journey for many years and help people to solve various problem. I will publish some tips, tweek, hacks and informations from these blogsite with acknoledgement in the next days.
LubuntuTips address:
XubuntuGeek address:
Hi, I'm Wilson from and I just want to thank your recommendation.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work :)
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