I have published a post on "
Screensavers in Linux Operating System". Today I am giving you some more screen saver which are called GL Screensaver.
XScreenSaver and GL(Mesa) xscreensavers are actually a modular screen saver and locker for X11, both are containing more than 200 screen savers.
XScreenSaver package contains a small selection of 3D (OpenGL) screen saver modules from the xscreensaver collection.
GL screensavers package contains the rest of the 3D (OpenGL) screen saver modules from the xscreensaver collection. This package is used
by both xscreensaver and gnome-screensaver. And this package could be down-loadable in almost every linux distribution's software manager.
glmatrix |
fliptext-glxscreensaver |
blocktube |
boing gl screensaver |
boxed screensave |
bubble 3d |
cubenetic |
dangerball gl screen saver |
engine |
glblur |
glipflop |
antinspec |
hypertorus |
According to xscreensavers description this is the set of GL screensavers. This package include antinspect, gleidescope, glknots, atunnel, blinkbox, bubble3d, circuit, cubestorm, glsnake, jigglypuff, lavalite, lockward, mirrorblog, moebius, boebiusgears, molecule, morph3d, pipes, polyhedra, polytopes, pulsar, queens, sierpinski3d, spheremonics, stonerview,superquadrics, topblock, voronoi endgame, engine, flipflop, flipscreen3d, flurry, flyingtoasters, gears, gflux, antmaze, atlantis, blocktube, boing, bouncingcow, boxed, cage, carousel, crackberg, cube21, cubenetic, dangerball, extrusion, fliptext, glforestfire, glhanoi, glplanet, juggler3d, klein, lament, menger, noof, pinion, providence, rubik, sballs, sproingies, staris, starwars, tangram, timetunnel, companioncube, hilbert, tronbit.
More display modes can be found in the xscreensaver-data, xscreensaver-data-extra and xscreensaver-gl packages.
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