NetGator is a dofollow blog

Dear friends, Today I made my blog 'Dofollow' blog. You may know that backlink is very important for any blog or website in search engine ranking. If anyone want to make his/ her blog to get top position in any search engine then his/ her blog must have some dofollow backlink from other site. I notice that I got some visitors from search engines everyday. But most of them do not comment. I know most of you are know about blogs commenting policy. Dofollow attributes are disable by default in blog. It is important for fight against spam comment. I also know spammers power a lot. Though I decided to make my blog as a 'Dofollow blog'.

I make 'dofollow' in two section.
  1. If you make a post about my blog and give me a link back. That will apear in that corresponding postpage and you will get a dofollow linkback.
  2. In comment form, if you leave any link that won't get any dofollow link. It is for protect spamcomment. But if you write your site URL in comment that will get a 'dofollow' link.
So friends, if you want to get a dofollow link to your blog then comment more and more and write posts about my blogposts and linkback to me. Your give me link I will give you 'dofollow' link.

I have made changes in these area:
  1. <a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='external, follow' target='_blank'><></a>
  2. <a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='external, follow' target='_blank'><data:backlink.title/></a>


  1. Good job. Go ahead......

  2. you have a nice blog but you are not updating it. please do new posts.


Please help me to improve my English. Please Email me or comment below. Thanks...