If anybody search for the best archiver, compression utility or zip tool for Ubuntu linux or windows, he or she must be point to only one famous and most popular archiver in the world, the 7zip. You do not need to believe my word. Just search google or yahoo or bing or any other engine with any compression, zip, archiver type keyword and get the result. If you do not use any keyword like '7zip', '7z' in search field, though you will get the first result positioned only for 7-Zip. I know this information and use 7zip for some years both on windows and ubuntu. Today I got a proof of 7zip's great performance.

Here is some mathematic:
Wikileaks sharing this file as 7z format. File size 75 MB. (http://leakmirror.wikileaks.org/file/straw-glass-and-bottle/afg-war-diary.html.7z) My 'downloader for x' showing the size is 78168057 byte. After extracting this file it took 3.5 GB space in your harddisk. I compress this folder as zip format. And found that this zip file weight 841.2 MB (882047410 bytes). What a difference between the compression rate of 7z and zip format. Whares 7z own only 75 MB but zip format take 841.2 MB.

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