iBus problem in Peppermint OS

iBus input method system preferencesI want to write in a foreign language, so I had tried to use iBus from Menu> Preferences > iBus Preferences
After running iBus Preferences I go to 'Input Method' tab. Alas! there is no any input method in "Select an input method" field. I failed to add any other language here. I thought I need to install 'Language package'. So I install language package through Menu> Preferences > Language Support. language packages downloading peppermintI am a real fool. This trick is not work in iBus input system in Peppermint OS One. Next time I am going to try SCIM input system.


  1. Well, I usually type in a foreign unicode font, too. I was thinking of moving to Pepperming ICE, but if this problem is not easily solvable there'd be no point in moving.
    If a solution is found please post as a comment.


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